WILLIAM DENN1SON. BORN AT CINCINNATI. OHIO. NOV. z3. ieta. CIEQ AT COLUMBUS. OHIO, JUNE 10, 1882. DAVID TOO. BOBN AT fOUNGSTOWN. OHIO. FEB. SI. IOOO. .DIED THCHC NOV. 13. lOBfl. THREE OHIO GOVERNORS. JOHN 9ROUCH, OOHN AT MARIETTA. OHIO. IN II DIED AT CLEVELAND, OHIO. AUG. 20with great favor in the different cities of the south, and finally, embarking on hoard of a vessel which ran the blockade at Wilmington, he arrived at Bermuda on the 22ud of Juno, from which place he took passage to Canada, arriving at Niagara Falls about the middle of July.